Non-executive members of the Board of Directors:

Christoph Regierer
Regierer, Christoph

Born 1965, non-executive member and Deputy Chair of the IDW Board since September 2019, Chair since 01. September 2020.

  • 1983 to 1989 Law studies at the Freie Universtät in Berlin, internship in Berlin and London (1989 to 1992)
  • 1989 1st state examination
  • 1992 2nd state examination
  • 1996 Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at the Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel
  • 1997 and 1999 professional examinations as Steuerberater (Licensed tax advisor in public practice) and Wirtschaftsprüfer (German public auditor), respectively.
  • Since 1992 With Mazars Berlin
  • 1999 Lecturer at the Freie Universität in Berlin (Finance, Accounting and Taxation). Member of the IDW Administrative Council until September 2019. Chair of the IDW Working Group "Family-owned Entities", Member of the IDW Working Parties "Representation Letter" and "Business Succession", Member of the Hidden Champions Institute, Board ESMT Berlin.

Martin Plendl
Plendl, Martin

Born 1959, non-executive member of the IDW Board since September 2019, Deputy Chair since 01. September 2020.

  • Business studies at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich and University Regensburg, graduated as Diplom-Kaufmann (business studies degree) followed by a doctorate (Dr. rer. Pol.) at the University Bamberg
  • Professional examinations as Steuerberater (Licensed tax advisor in public practice) and Wirtschaftsprüfer (German public auditor) in 1990 and 1992, respectively.
  • Since 2010 CEO of Deloitte Germany and member of Deloitte Global Exectutive.
  • For many years, member of the IDW Auditing and Accounting Board (until 2009). Member (and Deputy Chair until 2019) of the IDW Administrative Council.
  • Honorary Doctorate at the Institute for Accounting, Auditing and Analytics, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich.
  • Since 2019 member of the Execuitve Committee of the Schmalenbach Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (Schmalenbach Society for Business Economics) and member of the University Council of the Technical University (TU) Munich.

Petra Justenhoven
Justenhoven, Petra

Born in 1967, non-executive member of the IDW Board since January 2021.

  • Business Studies in Finance (FH), Business Administration (FH) and CGFE from Normandy Business School, France
  • 1997 Professional examinations as Steuerberaterin (licensed tax advisor in public practice)
    and 2001 as Wirtschaftsprüferin (German public auditor)
  • Since July 2022 Chairwoman and Senior Partner of PwC Europe and Territory Senior Partner (TSP) of PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Ingmar Rega
Rega, Ingmar

Born in 1968, Member of the IDW Board of Directors since November 2017.

  • Graduated as Diplom-Agraringenieur [agricultural engineer] at the University of Kiel, professional examinations as Steuerberater [licensed tax advisor in public practice] in 1999 and Wirtschaftsprüfer [German public auditor] in 2001
  • From 1995 to 2018 with Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft KPMG AG, 2011 to 2014 as Head of Audit, 2014 to 2018 Member as of the Board of Directors
  • Since September 2018 Member of the Board of Directors of Genossenschaftsverband – Verband der Regionen e.V. (Regional Cooperative Association)
  • Member of the IDW Administrative Council from 2015 to November 2017

Martin Wambach
Wambach, Martin

Born 1964, non-executive member of the IDW Board since September 2019.

  • Business studies at the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg. Professional examinations as Steuerberater (Licensed tax advisor in public practice), Umweltgutachter (Environmental appraiser) , Wirtschaftsprüfer (German public auditor) and IT-AuditorIDW in 1994, 1996, 1999 and 2017, respectively
  • Managing Partner and Chief Digital Officer of Rödl & Partner. Member of the Steering Group of the Latin-American Association, Deputy Director of the Institut der Rechnungsprüfer Deutschland (IDR) (Institute of Public Sector Auditors for Municipalities, Germany)
  • Member of the IDW Administrative Council from 2015 to 2019

Peter Wollmert
Wollmert, Peter

Born in 1963, non-executive member of the IDW Board since October 2011.

  • Studied business studies at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) from the Philipps-Universität Marburg, professional examinations as Steuerberater [licensed tax advisor in public practice] in 1994 and Wirtschaftsprüfer [German public auditor] in 1996
  • Managing Director of Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Stuttgart, Honorary professor at the University of Mannheim since 2011
  • Member of the IDW Board of Directors, becoming Deputy Chair from November 2017 to September 2019, Chair of the IDW Board of Directors from September 2019 to 01. September 2020